$ whoami
Work experiences
Mors Smitt (Wabtec Group)
Since Jan. 2022
- Development of EMS systems for railway application
- Implementation of tests and code analysis tools and Wireshark plugins
Technologies used:
- C, C#, Python, Lua, Shell
- Embedded Linux, Desktop WIndows, Microchip PIC16F
- Git, Gitlab, Buildroot, Wireshark, SonarQube
Jun. 2021 - Dec. 2021
Working on a Network Encryptor. Sofwtware developpement in C/C++. Implementing tests and code-analisys tools in Python.
Technologies used:
- C/C++, Qt framework, Python, Shell
- PikeOS, Linux Server
- Git, Bitbucket, Jira, Jenkins, CMake, QtCreator
Feb. 2016 - Jun. 2021
Working as Embedded Software Engineer at the R&D Office at Angers (49) on mutilples projects:
- HF and UHF RFID readers firmware on micro-controller
- Access Control panel running with embedded Linux
- SDKs, applicatives example and drivers on Windows, Linux and Android
- IoT sensors, gateways and backend
Some projects I took part of:
- Google Pay Smart Tap and Apple Pay VAS for PC/SC couplers
- PC/SC on Android over BLE and USB
- Identification application over BLE and NFC
- Application to retrieve reader’s information with NFC HCE
- PC/SC SDK on Desktop PC
- Some products: Puck (Youtube video), Crazy UHF, SpringPark (Youtube video)
And some clients’ projects:
Technologies used:
- C, C#, Kotlin, Python, PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bash
- Microcontroller (Renesas RX111, RX65x, RL78, Microchip AVR32), Secure-Elements, FreeRTOS, embedded Linux, Windows and Linux desktop, Android
- Git, MySQL, Buildroot, Wireshark, Gitlab CI, SDR, GNU Radio, OpenSCAD, Visual Studio
Pellenc S.A.
Jul. 2015 - Dec. 2015
6-months intership on a Grape Harvesting Machine Manufacturer Company at Pertuis (84). Designing and Implementing a USB-WiFi-CAN Bridge on a PIC24 micro-controller. Also impemeting a client software on the computer with the Qt framework.
Technologies used:
- C/C++, Qt framework
- Microcontroller (Microchip PIC24), Windows and Linux desktop
- WiFi, CAN bus, USB, TCP
- Git, Qt Creator, MPLAB-X
Recreation centers and summer camps
Summer 2011, 2012, 2014
Working some months as youth worker in recreation centers in Brest (29), Cossé-le-Vivien (53) and summer camps at Le-Breuil-sur-Couze (63).
Jul. 2013
Working as a chain operator in the rubber seals factory at Segré (49).
Numérique pour Tous Association
May. 2017 - Jun. 2020
Fablab assoctiation based in La Meignanne (49).
Website: numpourtous.wordpress.com
Club Elec
Sep. 2012 - Jun. 2014
School association aiming to help students.
Computer repairs, informatics, electronics courses and projects.
ISEN Brest - Engineer diploma
Sep. 2010 - Dec. 2015
Studies at ISEN consist in courses in electronics, computer sciences and computer network, micro-electronics, and also acoustics, physics, signal processing and telecommunications.
UQAC - M.Sc. in Computer Science
Aug. 2014 - Dec. 2015
The UQAC is a branch of the Université du Québec based in the Chicoutimi borough of Saguenay, Quebec. I had the opportunity to do my last year in an other University to get a Master of Science’s degree in addition of the French engineering diploma.